jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

Perdido #669. Old Horny


Perdido #13. Esa particular iluminación que da la belleza a nuestras vidas

Perdido # 5048. Black and Orange Yellow

"The priest cut open my stomach, put his hands in me,
and cried: Wheres your soul? Wheres your soul!"

Gregory Corso, But I do not need kindness (fragm.)

Perdido # 5049. Black and Orange Yellow

"As the women who live within each others bodies
descend from their polar regions
to the circle of demons

I become ready to offer myself to the smooth red snakes entwined
  in the head of sorcerers"

Philip Lamantia, The Diabolic Condition (fragm.)

martes, 18 de junio de 2013

Looking trough dirty windows

"I can't see nothing very clear..."

miércoles, 2 de enero de 2013